Sunday, 10th October is #WorldMentalHealthDay across the globe. We have shared many materials on our social media platforms to encourage anyone and everyone to talk about mental health, helping to #BreakTheStigma.

This years theme is 'Mental Health in an Unequal World'. Whilst many aspects of our every day life are unequal, and often considered as unfair - we want to spread the message that anyone is vulnerable to poor mental health, and everybody should feel they can talk to someone about their emotions.
There are many events going on across the #CountyDurham area relating to #WMHD2021, both virtually and in person. This month, we want to shed light on mental health issues that as widely understood. In order to #StampOutStigma, we must understand how the individual is feeling, what their triggers may be, and how to correctly discuss the topic without indirect discrimination or prejudice.
Many people don't see eating disorders as a mental health issue, which may be the biggest stigma around ED's. Kalina, a #AntiStigmaAmbassador for Stamp It Out, has recently launched her own blog site, bravely discussing her own battles with Anorexia Nervosa. Please take some time to read some blog posts to better understand, educate and #StampOutStigma.
Kalina has said:
"Before I was diagnosed with anorexia I thought it was a choice someone made to lose weight by not eating. I was eating. What is more, I was eating lean, clean meals. I was following social media workouts to be strong and fit. People around me admired my determination and complemented how I looked, so I kept pushing, all without realising that there was less and less of me and more shame, blame, hopelessness, loneliness and isolation. A serious mental condition had entered my life unnoticed and started killing me quietly, from inside. Anorexia became my coping mechanism, my protection from the world which was difficult to admit and even harder to ask for help.
During my recovery process I have learnt that it can happen to anyone. An eating disorder does not care about age, gender or social status. It made itself comfortable in my life and took me to lonely places, but despite all of the darkness I realised that I don’t have to face it on my own. I believe that through my stories I can help to stamp out the stigma surrounding eating disorders. That I can bring some hope, not only to people who struggle, but also carers who love us and do their best to support us."
If you're struggling with your mental health, our contact page has lists of services that can give you professional and immediate help. Don't suffer alone, let's make every day #WorldMentalHealthDay